The PyAuxetic Team

This software is a result of a collaboration between academics and engineers with vastly different skill sets. We believe in giving credit where it’s due, and as such maintain the following list of contributers. If you believe that we are missing something, let us know and we will update the list.

Main Team

Javad Kadkhodapour, PhD: Project Lead. Developed concepts and coordinates research and programming efforts.

Mohammadreza Khoshbin, PhDc: Software Developer and Maintainer. Created the software based on the previous prototype and maintains the software and documentation.


Ali Pourkamali Anaraki, PhD: Provided the experimental and computational facilities.

Hossein Dibajian, PhD: Developed concepts and wrote the initial version of the software named Auextic2D.

Alireza Sangsefidi, PhDc: Performed experiments for example problems and tested the software.