Welcome to PyAuxetic’s documentation!
PyAuxetic is a Python plugin and library for modeling, analyzing, and post-processing auxetic structures in Abaqus. Its main features are:
Free: The software is provided free of charge for non-commercial use. We use the GPL license that ensures that all derivative software are also free and open source.
Open Source: The entire code and documentation is open source and available on GitHub.
Simple GUI: The software has a simple and elegant GUI that interfaces to Abaqus as a plugin.
Powerful API: The software has powerfull API that can be used for scripting. All GUI functionality (and more) are available from the API. Scripting makes the results highly reproducible and the scripts can be archived.
Extensible: The software is built on a solid object-oriented framework, making it easily extensible. New structures and output types can be added with speed and reliability.
Thorough Documentation: We believe in documenting our methods. You can find in-depth documents about all aspects of the software in our online documentation.